

International Conference on Building Respect for Intellectual Property Stimulati热点关注

时间:2016-10-20   出处:WIPO  作者:  点击:

Proper understanding and respect for intellectual property (IP) can stimulate innovation and creativity across all sectors of society. Bringing together senior representatives from government and the private sector, this event will give participants the chance to share experiences of IP stimulating innovation and driving development and growth.

In addition, it will reaffirm the shared commitment to build respect for IP through information exchange on enhancing public awareness and strengthening knowledge of emerging issues in IP adjudication and jurisprudence.

The Conference is organized by WIPO and the Shanghai Municipal People’s Government (SMPG), with the support of the State Intellectual Property Office of China (SIPO).



蒋志培 中国人民大学法学博士,曾在英国伯明翰大学法学院、美国约翰马歇尔法学院任高级访问学者,中国人民大学法学院、北京外国语大学法学院兼职教授,中国知识产权司法保护网主编、国家社科基金评审委员会专家,最高人民检察院民行诉讼监督案件专家委员会委员,2014年、2015年受美国约翰马歇尔法学院、中国驻加拿大使馆和加方科技部邀请参加知识产权法律和创新论坛并演讲,2013年12月获得中国版权事业卓越成就奖。